Monday, July 8, 2013

Let's set the record straight

Those of you who know me will wonder "what the heck is Joe doing blogging?"  Well let me tell you:

Those of you who know me happen to know that I just got back from living in Mexico as a missionary for 2 years.  My girlfriend waited for me that whole time and now we're looking at a future together.  You also know that I'm a fairly introverted and thoughtful person.  That's a really bad combination.

I'm not blogging to have people read about my life or to get attention.  I'm not blogging because I love doing cutesy things.  I just need a dang outlet!  Having kept everything inside for the last 21  years of my life, I've come to realize that it's not the best way to do things.

And thus, a blog was born.

There's a good chance this won't be very creative or fun.  Followers: be ye warned.  There's a good chance only pirates would ever say that.  Anyway, here's to the start of a new expressive outlet for me and maybe a few fun adventures along the way.

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  That's what the "comment" section is for.

There are no guarantees as to how frequent I'll be, but if you're really super interested in knowing all about what I think about and do, you'll find out eventually, and I'll make an effort to be at least a little bit consistent.  The good news for you all is that until I find a second job, I'm free almost all day, every day.  All it'll take to have constant updates is my wanting to.  The bad news is that all of my free time is spent looking for a second job.  Kind of a buzzkill, I know.  You can deal with it.

Please enjoy this half-rancid mamey.  Also, it had two seeds instead of just one.  That was cool

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